Burwash Horticultural Society
Affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society and the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies

Welcome to our Society
We are an active group of gardening enthusiasts based in Burwash, attracting members from the village and surrounding areas.
Our aim is to inform, entertain and interest our members in plant and garden related subjects in a sociable, informal and friendly group setting.
The Society is a great place for sharing knowledge, experience and friendship. If you enjoy growing fruit, vegetables or flowers, flower arranging, cookery, arts and crafts or indeed anything garden related, why not join us?
Find out more About us
Next event​​​​
For the year ending 31 December 2024
Tuesday 18 March 2025
Burwash Village Hall Meeting Room
Our next show schedule is available from The Flower House, Burwash High Street.
Our show schedule for 2024 is available here.
Talks 2024
Go to the talks page for more information.
Plant Sale
Saturday 12th May 2024
Many thanks to all who supported our plant sale. A perfect day, lots of happy customers.
View some photos here.
Results and photos of 2024 and 2023 shows
Go to the show pages
* * * * *
Cost of membership is £3.00 per calendar year which runs from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024. A new membership form is available here.
The Gardener's Year
Some monthly gardening tips

Mahonia x media Winter Sun
Green alternatives for floral foam
Floral foam is made from synthetic, non-recyclable plastic and is created using a combination of carbon black, formaldehyde and phenolic foam, which are all toxic. and can't be recycled or disposed of safely.
Its use is banned in RHS flower shows.
Pebbles, sand, gravel, clay, and marbles, are suitable alternatives.
Use compact moss or even fruit to support floral arrangements.
Use a kenzan or flower frog – metal devices that sit in a vase or bowl and secure stems with metal needles or guide them into holes – vintage ones are available.
Scrunched up chicken mesh or metal pins are also useful.
Pliable twigs also make a good supportive lattice for flowers to be propped against.
Jobs for Winter​
Dead-head winter flowering shrubs and plants.
Check supports and plant ties, shore up if needed.
Clean bird feeders and hang away from squirrels.​​​​​​​
Sort out the greenhouse, wash pots and shelving, tidy up ready for planting up and starting seedlings..
Clean garden tools. Oil the wooden handles and blades.
Make sure blades of secateurs and loppers are sharp, oil them too.
Plan ahead and decide what seeds you need for the vegetable plot.​​​​​​
Consider planting shrubs that will provide food for wildlife, birds and insects in the coming year. ​​
The robin might seem cute, but it is actually a highly territorial bird and will aggressively defend its domain against others.
These much-loved birds are on the rise as the UK robin population continues to increase.
Length 14cm, weight 14 to 21g.
The robin is a small, plump bird. Its black beak is short and thin.
A robin's diet consists of seeds, fruits, insects, worms and other invertebrates. It will also visit garden bird tables and feeders to feed on scraps and mealworms.
The female builds a cup-shaped nest of dead leaves, moss and hair.
The female typically lays four to six eggs, which she incubates for 13 days.

Entries from some of our members.

Liquidambar styraciflua
